Beauty After Breast Cancer
Beauty After Breast Cancer
The most comprehensive book available for surgical information/photos partnered with hope and tips for recovery

 “Through a series of portraits and biographies, Beauty After Breast Cancer unmasks the physicality of life after breast cancer and expertly shows that after surgery, a feeling of beauty, a renewed sense of identity, and a so-called new normal can be reached.”
~The Lancet Oncology

Why is this book important to you and your patients?

Beauty After Breast Cancer is a 178-page medical resource book created by the partnership of thirty-eight breast cancer patients working with doctors and nurses to create the resource we all wish we’d had, that just didn’t exist until now (HIPPA privacy regulations alone prevent most practitioners from being able to create something similar). Having relatable and less clinical examples of surgery options supports your patients and your practice.

By presenting surgical information in a supportive and compassionate manner we:

1.      Have improved patient satisfaction rates with surgical outcomes and with providers

2.    Create realistic expectations that helps patients have conversations about optimal outcomes and complications

3. Give patients a way to better involve and educate their support team, which improves engagement

4. Lessen the risks from Identity Threat (which include depression, anxiety, withdrawal from care, and altered immune function)

5. Address and improve feelings of isolation and withdrawal

Beauty After Breast Cancer shows 22 reconstructions (lat flap, silicone implant with and without adipose transfer, and DIEP). It also shows 3 partial resections/lumpectomies and 13 (including our one male patient) examples of either no reconstruction or a deconstruction. The book is structured to be a resource that reaches both patients and their families at the processing level that they are at in that moment. It provides information, tips, understanding and hope.

We cannot overstate how important this resource book is for your patients. Please place an order for this book and make it available in your waiting room, or better yet loan or give it out to newly diagnosed patients.